Lesley Gourlay is a Professor of Education in the department of Culture, Communication and Media at the Institute of Education, UCL. Her scholarship focuses on the interplay between technologies and the knowledge practices of students and academics, with a particular emphasis on textual practices and the digital. Her recent theoretical work has focused on science and technology studies and sociomaterial and posthuman perspectives on engagement in the university, exploring themes of space, inscription, nonhuman agency, and digital media. She is a contributor to national and global debates surrounding digital education, serves on the editorial boards of several international higher education and technology journals, and has recently published the monograph Posthumanism and the Digital University: Texts, Bodies and Materialities (London: Bloomsbury Academic). She is a recent recipient of a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship (2021-2024), which provides funded support for her to write a her new monograph on the topic of The Datafied University: Documentation and Performativity in Digitised Education.