Mart Laanpere


Mart Laanpere is professor in mathematics and computing education in the Centre for Educational Technologies, Tallinn University, Estonia. He received MSc from the University of Twente (NL) and PhD from the Tallinn University. He was a co-founder and long time head of the Centre for Educational Technology in Tallinn University.
His main focus in research is conceptual design and analysis of affordances of technology-enhanced learning systems and tools, digital competence modelling and assessment, among others. He is a co-author of national digital competence test and several informatics textbooks for upper-secondary schools. Mart was also member of the steering group for Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy 2020 where he led the development of the action plan for Digital Turn in Schools. He has been contributing as an expert to various European initiatives related to modeling and assessment of digital competence (DigComp, DigCompEdu, DigCompOrg, SELFIE for Schools, SELFIE for Teachers). Mart has also been consulting digital education innovation programs in Georgia, Serbia and Moldova. 


“Building the Digital Education Ecosystem in Estonia in cooperation between universities, ministry and private sector”


Estonia is a small, but digitally innovative country. We have been No.1 in Europe when it comes to public digital services (DESI 2018-2021), but also in readiness for digital lifelong learning (CEPS 2019). The foundation for this success helped our education system to cope with COVID-pandemic, but it is a result of a long-term systemic development. In this talk I’ll summarise the key strategies, results and future plans orelated to this continuing effort, focusing specifically on increasing the “smartness” and interoperability of online services for digital learning resources, e-assessment, digital competence development and digital pedagogy.